We all know Monday is International Chest Day, but with StrongBoard Balance, ANY day can be chest day! We love that our boards make it difficult to find a point of stabilization because that means your body is ALWAYS working! So, lets get to work!
For those of you that are looking for more bodyweight type exercises, the below StrongBoard Balance exercises would be best for the chest:
- StrongBoard Hover Push Ups with Bear Crawl: Be sure with each repetition, you alternate which hand moves to board or floor first. For more of a challenge, use a space that allows you to crawl for longer before returning to StrongBoard Balance. You can also add any amount of push ups or even a plyometric move like mountain climbers to make you sweat a bit more.
- StrongBoard Cross Over Push Ups: This is more of an explosive move for the more intermediate to advanced.
- StrongBoard Superman Push Ups: Inhale on the way down; exhale as you push up. Squeeze your triceps at the top. Keep your abs engaged at all times by pulling your belly button in towards your spine.
For those of you that have gym equipment at home or have a StrongBoard at your gym, the below exercises would be best for chest day:
- Medicine Ball Double Board Push Ups: For more of a challenge, slow your tempo when performing the push up. Changing foot placement/hand, placement will also make this exercise more difficult. Once you feel you are an expert, try a hard medicine ball. This exercise is great for the upper body muscle groups along with entire core structure because you are forcing the body to engage those deep muscles that often get ignored in isolated exercises. StrongBoard Balance forces your muscles to work harder due to the resistive nature of the springs and the instability they force on the muscles. This simple yet challenging exercise will initiate your chest (pectoralis major, pectoralis minor), shoulders (anterior deltoid), triceps (all three heads of the triceps brachii), lower back, core, and the scapula-thoracic region.
- Stability Ball + StrongBoard Push Up: For more of a challenge, slow your tempo when performing the push up. Changing foot placement/hand, placement will also make this exercise more difficult. Once you feel you are an expert, try one foot. This exercise is great for the upper body muscle groups along with the entire core structure because it forces the body to engage deep muscles which often get ignored during isolated exercises. StrongBoard Balance Board requires muscles to engage due to the restive nature of the springs and the instability the compression causes. This simple yet challenging exercise will initiate your chest, shoulders, triceps, lower back, core, and scapula-thoracic region.