Super Bowl Sunday usually means spending time with friends, watching the big game, and indulging in delicious party food. It’s a fun day but if you’re trying to watch your weight it can be a challenge. With the traditional football feasts of wings, sliders, pizza, chips, and high-calorie dips, you could consume more calories than Thanksgiving. Plus, the average Super Bowl game lasts nearly 4 hours, which is a long time to be sitting in front of the television. So, if you’re watching at home, invite your friends to play our Super Bowl Challenge!
When the following events happen during the Super Bowl, perform the following exercises:
Coin Toss: Jog In Place for duration
Touchdown: 10 push-ups
Field Goal: 30 squats
First down: 30 jumping jacks
Punt: 30 mountain climbers
Flag thrown: 10 supermans
Coach’s challenge: 10 burpees
For Each Commercial Break:
1st Commercial: hold a plank
2nd Commercial: bicycle crunches
3rd Commercial: leg scissors
4 Commercials or More: Your choice of side plank, seated rotations, reverse crunch, or dead bugs
Halftime challenge:
Do all of the above exercises as many times as you can!
Trophy Presentation: Stretch!