Slutty Girl Problems StrongBoard Balance Board Review
“After just a few days of incorporating the board into my workout routine and following their exercise guide, I could feel myself getting stronger and more balanced each day. Over a few weeks, the extra challenge to my workouts improved my balance, strength, and stamina… even in the bedroom!”
“From squats to enhance cowgirl position… to quicker reaction time and endurance, the StrongBoard is the perfect piece of equipment to help refine your fitness regimen and prep you for those Kama Sutra moves in the bedroom.”
“StrongBoard is unique because it requires you to find your own center of gravity as the board tilts and moves below you. This added challenge works not only your major muscles groups – but you minor muscles, stabilizer muscles, and even your neural pathways that control balance and stability.”
“You’re getting a fully engaged workout that gives you better balance and core stability, burns more calories in less time, and helps your brain have more awareness of your body.”
“At the risk of sounding cliche, the possibilities are seriously endless – and StrongBoard already starts you off with tons of ideas!”
“Every muscle in your body gets a deep workout with this board, which means better strength and endurance in the bedroom!”
“The StrongBoard is a total must-have for the girl (or guy) who wants to increase their balance, strength, and endurance with an extra challenge.”
“Even as a beginner, I can promise you that the exercises were simple enough for me to get started, yet challenging enough for me to see results quickly. You can continually build and grow on the exercises and increase the skill level and challenge as you become a pro.”
To read the rest of the review from Slutty Girl Problems, click here.