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Blog Healthy Breakfast Meals

Healthy Breakfast Meals

Healthy Eating

Sometimes being a busy professional and eating healthy are in opposition. If you are always rushing out the door, it’s hard to find time to cook. However, eating a balanced, nutritious breakfast can be vital to your fitness journey.

Here are three easy breakfast meals that take minimal prep time.

1. Chia Seed Pudding and Fruit: Involves very little preparation. All you need is your favorite nut milk, chia seeds and fruit.  The night before just throw the 1 part chia seeds to 2 parts nut milk into a tupperware, stir and refrigerate.  In the morning the chia will be pudding like and so yummy with lots of protein. Add fruit, nuts and your favorite sweetener (optional) and you have a wonderful breakfast you can eat anywhere.

2. Avocado and toast: Pop a slice of whole wheat bread in the toaster, and then slather some avocado on top. If you have time you can add tomato, sprouts, salt or pepper.  It’s delicious, fast and perfect to take on the go.

3. Oatmeal: Whether you boil water or nut milk, oatmeal is one of the easiest, healthy breakfast meals.  Add 1 part oatmeal to 2 parts BOILING liquid of your choice.  Then add fruit, nuts, cinnamon and your favorite sweetener (optional). The slow digesting carbohydrates should keep you full for hours and give you the energy you need to get through your busy morning!



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StrongBoard Balance® Board

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StrongBoard Balance® is a one-of-a-kind, premiere balance board for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Designed to complement and intensify users’ favorite workout routines, it utilizes MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ (MST).
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StrongBoard MINI is a responsive balance board and stability trainer for use in physical therapy and active aging. Its patented MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ is both reactive and dynamic. StrongBoard MINI is easy and safe to get on and off, and its flat platform protects joints and surrounding ligaments from excessive supination or strain, allowing the user to mimic real-life movements while supporting the kinetic chain. In addition to the muscular and skeletal benefits, use of StrongBoard MINI trains the central nervous system, requiring muscles to communicate with the brain, effectively opening, healing, restoring and strengthening delicate neural pathways. The biomechanics of spring technology coupled with the rigid platform require users to find their true center of gravity. Regular use of StrongBoard MINI will improve balance, core strength, agility, posture and reaction time. All StrongHold Fitness products are proudly made in America.