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Blog Goal Setting | Tips & Suggestions

Goal Setting | Tips & Suggestions

Motivation! StrongBoard Balance Board


Goal setting is one of the most important parts of developing an exercise routine. You have to keep reminding yourself what you are working towards! If your goals are big, and you have smaller, achievable goals along the way—you will be more successful in pursuing them. For example, setting a goal to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks: each week the goal would be to lose 1 pound. This smaller 1 pound goal seems more attainable and will keep you from slacking off, getting overwhelmed, and help ensure you hit your 10 pound goal. With all that work ahead, it’s easy to get distracted; many people lose interest and 1 pound per week can feel tedious.

Create small and motivating goals for the end of each week. Try to find something that supports your overall goal and encourages you to keep going— taking a long and calming bath is more productive than checking out that new specialty donut shop down the street.

Here are some small reward suggestions to add a little indulgence along the path to a fitter you:

Minor investments:

– Mani / Pedi pampering
– Movie tickets (bring healthy snacks, or plan ahead and eat beforehand).
– Healthy dessert at the end of the week.
– Try a new group x class at your gym or studio.
– Get new potted herbs and plan some recipes showcasing your newest plant.
– Book a massage.
– Splurge for a fitness magazine at the supermarket.
– Download a new app or new music for your playlist.
– Glass of wine or light beer.

Here are some additional rewards that are FREE!

– Take a long hot bath or sauna.
– An hour of TV.
– Long walk with a friend or gym buddy.
– Curl up with a book.
– Craft something fun.
– Try a new recipe.

Categories: Balance Board Blog

Choose Your StrongBoard

StrongBoard Balance® Board

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StrongBoard Balance® is a one-of-a-kind, premiere balance board for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Designed to complement and intensify users’ favorite workout routines, it utilizes MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ (MST).
Keeps your core musculature and stabilizing muscles engaged and contracted, while training your central nervous system, expediting calorie burn, improving posture, proprioception and reaction time.

StrongBoard MINI®

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StrongBoard MINI is a responsive balance board and stability trainer for use in physical therapy and active aging. Its patented MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ is both reactive and dynamic. StrongBoard MINI is easy and safe to get on and off, and its flat platform protects joints and surrounding ligaments from excessive supination or strain, allowing the user to mimic real-life movements while supporting the kinetic chain. In addition to the muscular and skeletal benefits, use of StrongBoard MINI trains the central nervous system, requiring muscles to communicate with the brain, effectively opening, healing, restoring and strengthening delicate neural pathways. The biomechanics of spring technology coupled with the rigid platform require users to find their true center of gravity. Regular use of StrongBoard MINI will improve balance, core strength, agility, posture and reaction time. All StrongHold Fitness products are proudly made in America.