Going vegan shouldn’t stop you from enjoying delicious pre and post-workout protein shakes. No one needs whey, casein, or egg in their diet.
There are plenty of protein powder options on the market if you’re vegan. The types of protein powders out there which are vegan include hemp, soy, pea, and brown rice. All the proteins listed have proteins derived from plant based products. It’s a good idea to mix up protein powders to get all the branch chain amino acids you can, so your protein absorption is as complete as it can be. Try Vega Sport Performance Protein, as it sources it’s protein powder from a number of sources, including: beans, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, garbanzo beans, lentils, bean sprouts and flaxseeds.
Try to avoid any protein powders where sugar or sugar substitutes (such as sucralose and aspartame) and go with Stevia sweetened products instead, if you like the sweet taste.
Vegans, with the help of protein powder, the right diet, and dedication, are just as capable of looking like @BADASSVEGAN as a non-vegan is.
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