Members Rave Over Coach LP’s Introduction of Revolutionary Fitness Product to Workouts!
November 13, 2013 — MARINA DEL REY, Calif. — StrongHold Fitness President, Mike Curry is very pleased to report StrongBoard Balance® stations are now being offered at Team LP Fitness Playground. He says, “when I saw the first video, featuring 12 StrongBoard Balance Stations, each being used in a creative and unique way, I had to call Coach LP and give him some major props. The purpose of SBB is to maximize your workouts in expedited time, strengthen your core and proprioception and also to have fun. And that’s exactly what these guys are doing.”
Members of the Santa Rosa, California fitness facility are thrilled with the introduction of the one-of-a-kind board into their fitness routines. “I LOVE searching out and acquiring new and creative, functional fitness toys for the Fitness Playground,” says Team LP Fitness Playground owner and (CEO) “Chief Energy Officer” Lawrence Phillips, affectionately known as Coach LP. “StrongBoard Balance will add a whole new level to your balance, core and overall strength training.”
Coach LP adds, “To my Fitness Professional coaches, gym owner friends, or for home use: StrongBoard Balance will add a whole other dimension to your clients” workouts when implementing dumbbells, kettle bells, bands, medicine balls, body blades, etc., to their workout. It’s a great core, stability, balance, and strength product all-in-one. Our members gave the Strong Board TWO BIG THUMBS UP after their first use. [It is] honestly one of the best full body functional fitness toys to hit the fitness market in recent years.”
The Sonoma County fitness center, known as the “Fitness Playground”, is the first facility in the country to offer StrongBoard Balance stations. Videos of the boards in use at the gym can be seen here and here.
StrongBoard Balance continues to receive rave reviews for its unlimited capacity, providing a range of workout combinations for every muscle group, in a fun, efficient, and innovative way. Since the product’s launch in October, the one-of-a-kind premiere balance platforms have attracted attention and acclaim from a wide range of users, from trainers and professional athletes to housewives, physical therapy patients, kids, elderly persons, and more, all seeking an efficient method to strengthen and train the entire body.
“I completely underestimated how difficult this would be and how I’d feel after,” says Fitness Playground member Kristi E. “The StrongBoard totally intensified every move and forced me to use my core. I feel it today… Everywhere. I love the variety of ways [Coach LP] introduced us to the StrongBoard and know there are many more to come. I feel like balance is the silent core workout!”
Team LP Fitness member Angela J. Echoed Kristi’s sentiment, saying, “Oh my gosh! Those boards were INTENSE! They definitely remind me that I need to work on my balance! It was really fun trying to engage ALL of my muscles to make me stop shaking and hold my balance! That was a sweaty, TOTAL body workout!”
A common thread by first-time users of StrongBoard Balance has been how easy it looks to use, until they step onto to board and realize how intense the workout can be.
“The StrongBoard is a toy to be reckoned with,” says new user Shaina N. “When I first checked it out I thought, ‘I got this,’ but then I stepped on that bad boy and it almost bucked me off! Just a few more times and I think I will really maximize the StrongBoard.”
Tami W. Added, “I loved the StrongBoard!! In the famous words of LP, ‘it doesn’t look like much,’ but I have learned over the last 3 1/2 years when LP says that, you know you are about to experience a great new fitness ‘toy’ and feel your muscles responding almost immediately. I enjoyed the added element of balance, and also love the endless possibilities of so many fun, kick butt, leg shaking workouts to come using the StrongBoard!”
The positive reviews extended past the actual workout for many Team LP Fitness members.
“This was one of my favorite workouts EVER at LP’s! I love the variety that this apparatus provides. Combined with LP’s creativity and expertise, this is the perfect marriage of strength, flexibility, and balance,” says Suzi L. “TODAY, I am pleasantly surprised to feel a new muscle fatigue in my upper hip and inner thigh. I have never felt this before. I went to yoga this morning and I am convinced that the workout yesterday prepared and conditioned my body for the strength and flexibility I had during the yoga class today. PURE AWESOMENESS!”
Doug D. Says, “My legs are still feeling the workout from Saturday’s class with the StrongBoard. I love the new balance board, and the different ways [Coach LP has] integrated it into the gym.”
Audrey L. chimed in about StrongBoard Balance’s advantages for those seeking rehabilitation therapy in sports medicine. “The StrongBoard was awesome, and returning from an ankle injury, it was just what the doc ordered for strengthening! I can’t wait to master that bad boy! Muscles Beware, lol!”
Even the young athletes who attend the Fitness Playground had raving comments about the Strong Boards.
High School Soccer Athlete, Dani N. shared, “The workout both on Saturday morning and Monday evening were hard, but what made them even tougher were the Strong Boards. All the variations we did for our legs had me feeling it at 12 o’clock at night, and my arms are now dead after rocking back and forth on those dang boards. It takes so much more than just strength; it also takes coordination and a strong core. Thank you so much for these awesome new toys, they are being used to great use!”
Former high school all league soccer player and college athlete Chris K. says, “Talk about a complete full body workout, this StrongBoard Balance engages every single muscle in your legs and takes a tremendous amount of core strength to stabilize yourself. With all the additions from a slam ball to the bands or even the ReACT Quad Mill, this new toy is a must in every workout from now on!!!”
Learn more about Team LP Fitness Playground at: https://www.teamlpfitness.com/
StrongBoard Balance creator Mike Curry says, “I love all the positive response our board is getting from [everyone]. [Coach LP] truly has a special group, and it is inspiring to read all the positive feedback!”
StrongBoard Balance is running a social media contest for the remainder of 2013. Each week, a lucky winner will receive one of the revolutionary balance boards. There are a variety of ways to enter the contests, all utilizing social media. No purchase is necessary to win.
Weekly contests include: “Why you should win a StrongBoard Balance” Twitter and Facebook contests, user submitted videos on YouTube, photo contests, and more. Hundreds of interested contestants have submitted their entries to win the revolutionary fitness board.
To participate in the StrongBoard Balance contests on Twitter, visit https://twitter.com/StrongBoard. To participate on Facebook, visit https://www.facebook.com/Strongboard. To participate on YouTube, visithttps://www.youtube.com/user/strongboardbalance.
Media wishing to review StrongBoard Balance may contact Adella@StrongBoardBalance.com
About Team LP Fitness Playground:
We pride ourselves on catering to a smaller number of exclusive committed members in a clean environment that is never crowded yet filled with state of the art fitness equipment and great customer service. Helping you discover that inner athlete inside you is what we do at Team LP Fitness Playground. Somewhere hidden under those lost workouts and your busy life is the fit and healthy person you have always wanted to become. We are Home of the #1 POSITIVE RESULTS DRIVEN Fitness Training Center in Sonoma County. Come Discover Your Inner Athlete Today.
About StrongBoard Balance:
StrongBoard Balance is a one-of-a-kind, premiere balance platform for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Designed to compliment and intensify users’ favorite workout routines, StrongBoard Balance’s patented ‘multi-spring technology’ provides full-body fitness to increase muscle activation and calorie burn. As a portable and electricity-free platform, it allows users to train using their own body weight for resistance during full-motion exercises. Paired with a licensed physical therapist, StrongBoard Balance aids in the recovery of many injuries created by imbalance. It gently increases the patient’s flexibility, range of motion, and strength. Over time and with repeated use, exercising with StrongBoard Balance helps rebuild the bridge between the brain and the injured muscle. As users regain strength and decrease the pain associated with the injury, their range of motion increases allowing for increased blood flow and further healing. For more information, visit https://strongboardbalance.com, www.Twitter.com/StrongBoard,www.YouTube.com/user/StrongBoardBalance, or www.facebook.com/StrongBoard.
About StrongHold Fitness:
We are a health and wellness company, which concentrates on making the best fitness products on the planet. We care deeply about the connection between mind and body and assert everyone has the right to be fit. This is why our products are designed for every BODY; young and old, gym rat and nine-to-fiver, those in peak physical condition, or recovering from injury. We believe BALANCE is the key to radiant life energy. With compassion for ourselves, and our planet, we can collectively achieve any goal we desire. All StrongHold Fitness® products are proudly made in America. For more information, visit https://strongboardbalance.com/about/.
StrongBoard Balance, StrongBoard, Balance, StrongHold Fitness, An Evolution In Fitness, Team LP, Fitness Playground, Lawrence Phillips, Coach LP, StrongBoard class, review, reviews, physical therapy, balance board, platform, springs, exercise, workout, fitness, evolution, revolutionary, strength, agility, flexibility, endurance, healthy, coordination, muscles, injury, rehab, rehabilitation, sports, athletes, physical trainer, motion, core strength, Mike Curry, StrongBoardBalance.com
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