Participating in a group fitness class is a great way to work out and create a community of like-minded fitness buddies. The following are common courtesy do’s and dont’s to help everyone enjoy class.
Reserve your spot ahead of time if an RSVP platform is available.
Show up 5-10 minutes early to set up any equipment, get water or towels, and introduce yourself to your instructor.
Keep an encouraging and positive attitude and remember that everyone is working at his or her own fitness level.
Be respectful of the space and equipment. Re-rack your weights, place all of your toys back where you found it. Use sanitizing wipes if necessary to clean up any sweat or grime for the next class.
Stay to the back of the room if you anticipate modifying any exercises so you don’t distract or confuse your classmates.
Tell your instructor if you have to leave early or if you have any injuries.
Lock up your stuff beforehand and leave valuables at home!
Be a helpful and caring classmate.
Be late! If you must, go to the back of the room and enter class as quietly as possible. If you are going to be more than 15 minutes, skip this one and take the next class. You may miss important safety information and can disrupt the class.
Be loud or chat during class, especially when your instructor is speaking. It’s distracting and rude.
Drop your weights. Carefully place weights down in front of you. Dropping weights is startling to many and can injure a fellow participant.
Chew gum, eat a snack, or bring anything other than water to a class. If you have a sugar issue and must consume something other than water, leave the classroom. Certain foods can destroy equipment and you don’t want to make a mess!
Bring an attitude! Group fitness is supposed to be fun! No one likes to be intimidated or brought down. Leave any drama at the door and let class bring you up.