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Blog Embracing Change to Reduce Stress

Embracing Change to Reduce Stress

Embracing Change Fitness Blog

It’s that time of year again! We transition into spring and start to enjoy the changes of Mother Nature. Temperatures rise, days get longer, and everything begins to bloom around us.

As we embrace the change in season, it’s time to reflect on our own personal changes we’ve experienced since the beginning of the year. Revisit those goals set in the winter months, reflect on your accomplishments or shortcomings, and make plans to explore new paths.

Change can be stressful, regardless of whether or not we perceive it as positive or negative. Naturally, we prefer to stay in control of any changes to our lives, but many times this is not the case, nor should it be. Changes we cannot control are inevitable, and anything that pushes us out of our comfort zone will ultimately grow us.

So, as nature reinvents itself, let’s take time to reflect. Have you reinvented or stretched yourself in the past months? Have these been your own decisions or a result of something else? Have you been reacting or in the driver’s seat? Either way, how have these changes helped? What can you do in the future when faced with similar challenges or positive changes?

Allowing time for reflection will help you prepare for future changes and show you where your strengths are. Learning to embrace change will reduce stress in your life and guide you to a positive and resilient attitude.

Stay balanced.

Categories: Balance Board Blog

Choose Your StrongBoard

StrongBoard Balance® Board

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StrongBoard Balance® is a one-of-a-kind, premiere balance board for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Designed to complement and intensify users’ favorite workout routines, it utilizes MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ (MST).
Keeps your core musculature and stabilizing muscles engaged and contracted, while training your central nervous system, expediting calorie burn, improving posture, proprioception and reaction time.

StrongBoard MINI®

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StrongBoard MINI is a responsive balance board and stability trainer for use in physical therapy and active aging. Its patented MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ is both reactive and dynamic. StrongBoard MINI is easy and safe to get on and off, and its flat platform protects joints and surrounding ligaments from excessive supination or strain, allowing the user to mimic real-life movements while supporting the kinetic chain. In addition to the muscular and skeletal benefits, use of StrongBoard MINI trains the central nervous system, requiring muscles to communicate with the brain, effectively opening, healing, restoring and strengthening delicate neural pathways. The biomechanics of spring technology coupled with the rigid platform require users to find their true center of gravity. Regular use of StrongBoard MINI will improve balance, core strength, agility, posture and reaction time. All StrongHold Fitness products are proudly made in America.