Nice weather is upon us, and it is time to hit the links. If you’re like us, your golf swing might be a little rusty and off balance. A StrongBoard Balance board can help you get your golf game where you want it.
Improving Your Golf Swing
First, try to place your lead leg in your golf swing on StrongBoard and find your balance, then practice your back swing while trying to maintain correct form. Start out with one or two repetitions with good form, and go up from there. It’s okay if it’s hard to stay on the board at first, as most users take a little while to find their balance. Then, switch legs and do an equal amount of reps.
Doing this exercise will force you to turn your torso while keeping an upright spine posture, which is important to a great golf swing. Many golfers don’t maintain correct spine posture and move back, up or down in their swings. Incorrect posture while on StrongBoard will force you to fall off, thus reinforcing the need to maintain correct form.
Standing on StrongBoard will help to strengthen leg muscles associated with a powerful golf swing, such as glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
Improve Your Golf Swing With StrongBoard Balance
Here is Douglas Hendricks of Winning Golf TV to explain further.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for additional videos on how to improve your golf swing, along with other sports training videos!
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