Contrary to popular belief, getting stronger, faster, or more fit doesn’t happen at the gym, it happens during periods of rest. Over exercising can lead to decreased athletic or workout performance, elevated blood pressure, decreased immunity, disturbed sleep, and more.
To put it simply, working out damages and breaks down muscle fibers. Resting, especially during sleep, allows muscles to repair themselves in stronger formations, and even increase in size.
There is some debate about how many hours of rest is needed. The best answer is it depends on your body and how experienced you are. When competitive athletes were studied by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, muscle soreness was found to peak around 48 hours, suggesting at least two days rest is optimal.
A meta-analysis by Arizona State University found one to two rest days between workouts was ideal for beginners training three days per week, while experienced exercisers only needed to train two days per week to achieve their optimal results. If you haven’t worked out in awhile and you’re just starting a new routine, it’s best to wait 72 hours to allow your body to fully recover.
Combined with eating right and exercising on your StrongBoard, getting the right amount of rest will lead you to optimal health. Remember to listen to your body above all else.