Your calves are a group of muscles located in the back part of your lower leg. The group includes the gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, and posterior tibialis. These muscles assist in stabilizing your ankle, balancing your upper body, and are an essential mover in powerful movements like running, jumping, and plyometrics.
When you stand on StrongBoard Balance board, your calves will engage immediately to stabilize your ankle. When you hold a squat or lunge for an extended amount of time, you’ll feel the burn and may even start to shake on the board, we call this “the dance”. These are your proprioceptors communicating to your brain that it needs to engage your core muscles and focus to create balance.
StrongBoard Calve Raises:
Stand on StrongBoard Balance. Hold on to a wall or chair for support. Begin by alternating raising one heel at a time. Progress by going into a deep squat or raising both heels up at the same time.
Stay Balanced.