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Blog Happiness Habits: 5 Ways to Feel Happy

Happiness Habits: 5 Ways to Feel Happy

Be happy

A quick fix for happiness is like a cup of coffee from a vending machine. Sure it’s fast and convenient, but two hours later we may feel as bitter and unwholesome as the office coffee. Happiness requires repetition. But instead of drinking four cups of coffee a day, try these five natural habits below.

1. Go for a run and if you’re not a runner, walk. Put on some running shoes and shorts. Play some Beyonce, and the urge to move will surprise you.

2. Think of someone you love. How have they nourished your life? Give them a call and express how much they mean to you.

3. Make a nutritious meal with lots of leafy greens. Share it with a friend.

4. Laugh! Watch comedies or hang out with friends.

5. Have an orgasm. This is a tough one because not all of us have convenient access to sex. If you don’t have a willing partner, an alternative is masturbation in a comfortable and private space.

Happiness is something we can work harder towards every day. We can make gains in happiness, like you can make gains in fitness.

Stay Balanced.

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StrongBoard Balance® Board

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StrongBoard Balance® is a one-of-a-kind, premiere balance board for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Designed to complement and intensify users’ favorite workout routines, it utilizes MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ (MST).
Keeps your core musculature and stabilizing muscles engaged and contracted, while training your central nervous system, expediting calorie burn, improving posture, proprioception and reaction time.

StrongBoard MINI®

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StrongBoard MINI is a responsive balance board and stability trainer for use in physical therapy and active aging. Its patented MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ is both reactive and dynamic. StrongBoard MINI is easy and safe to get on and off, and its flat platform protects joints and surrounding ligaments from excessive supination or strain, allowing the user to mimic real-life movements while supporting the kinetic chain. In addition to the muscular and skeletal benefits, use of StrongBoard MINI trains the central nervous system, requiring muscles to communicate with the brain, effectively opening, healing, restoring and strengthening delicate neural pathways. The biomechanics of spring technology coupled with the rigid platform require users to find their true center of gravity. Regular use of StrongBoard MINI will improve balance, core strength, agility, posture and reaction time. All StrongHold Fitness products are proudly made in America.