Medicine Ball Lateral Rotations is a killer workout for improving coordination, core strength, and more! Performing it on StrongBoard Balance Board will also help improve balance and proprioception. Check out Erin Baldwin!
1. Stand on StrongBoard Balance with feet straight, shoulder-width apart.
2. Keep chest up, shoulders back, and abs engaged.
3. Hold medicine ball in front of you, at chest height with a slight bend in your elbows.
4. With your hips facing forward, rotate your abdominal and oblique muscles side to side
5. Repeat for desired amount of repetitions.
Tips: Keep a slight bend in the knees at all times. Use the momentum created by the weight of the medicine ball to fully engage your oblique muscles. Never over rotate, or go past the point of the lateral plane; this can place too much torque on the spine.
StrongBoard Balance® utilizes MULTI SPRING TECHNOLOGY™ that works with your body to deliver the perfect amount of stimulation to keep your core musculature and stabilizing muscles engaged and contracted, while training your central nervous system, improving posture, proprioception and reaction time.