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Balance is your ally.

Discipline. Hard Work. Sacrifice. Character. Perseverance. Endurance. Success. StrongBoard Has Your Back.

You don’t just workout, you need real life movements like lifts, carries, crawls, runs, rucks, swims, and mobility, even analytical and creative thinking – which requires mental focus.

In real life tactical situations, you need to carry loads that are not equally balanced, on unbalanced surfaces. You have to be able to move, aim, and perform while moving. In real life scenarios, you don’t have the luxury of a stair stepper or gym mat. You have to think and move on your feet, on the move.  It’s a challenge to duplicate those scenarios in your fitness routine.

StrongBoard Balance via GSA and CMAS


Did you know that StrongBoard Balance Board can now be purchased on GSA Contract? To show our full support of our troops, we now honor GSA purchases, open market purchases, GPC and IMPAC card purchases.  To purchase StrongBoard on GSA contract, visit the GSA Advantage at Contact GSA Contract Holder IRON COMPANY at today for exclusive StrongBoard GSA pricing and all your training accessory needs including rubber gym mats, rubber resistance bands, heavy ropes, dumbbells, kettlebells and more for the ultimate StrongBoard training package.

Active Military Personnel and Veterans

Please Email to Receive Your Military Discount Code

Your best tactical readiness strategy includes balance drills.

strongboard-balance-military-adWhether you’re in the military, law enforcement, or a tactical sports enthusiast, StrongBoard Balance can improve your performance.

When you’re carrying 75 pounds of gear, working in uneven terrain, nothing would prepare you better for that journey than strong muscles that work to keep you balanced, and prevent strain and injury to your tendons and ligaments. Quick focus and reaction time, when hiking through the desert or mountains in the dark, or during bad weather. Balance isn’t just critical to your mission success – it’s critical to your survival.

StrongBoard Balance is a movable platform that can simulate shooting from a helicopter, boat or moving jeep. Practice hitting your target while squatting and balancing. Imagine the improvement in your reaction time if your body has already rehearsed and perfected balancing without even thinking about it.

  • Improved Balance
  • Improved flexibility, strength
  • Fully functional workout
  • Include in your existing conditioning routine. 
  • Simulates real life terrain conditions in the field
  • With the support of our huge library of balance board fitness exercises on a balance board, you can craft your own workout routine in the privacy of your own home, on your own schedule.


StrongBoard Balance Board BlueWhy wait to get StrongBoard Strong?  Get your StrongBoard Balance Board now and see real results right away.

We are currently applying for our GSA schedule contract.

StrongBoard Balance Capability Statement (PDF)

Doug Briggs, Ph.D., CSCS,*D, RSCC,D Director of Human Performance, US ARMY / MWR

“We utilize the StrongBoard Balance system in our day-to-day training, and have found the system to be safe and effective inner physical training efforts and requirements. The system has proven itself to be very durable and cost effective saving us time and money in replacement costs compared to other training systems. The innovative design has also proven itself to be unique and practical in the many applications we have for StrongBoard Balance.”

Pick My StrongBoard

Stew Smith, CSCS, Author, Contributor to

“I have been using balance boards too. In fact, I found one called the StrongBoard Balance. Boards with springs that wobble mean it’s a lot safer than some others on the market. They can be used for way more than shin splint injuries, but I have found them very useful for this injury. In a few short minutes, you will feel the blood flowing to the shins..”

Pick My StrongBoard

  • StrongBoard Balance® Board


* We ask that you try our board for 30 days. If you don’t love the board, we’ll accept your pre-paid return with prior authorization, less shipping costs. Full details.